11 aug. 2016

الثورات العربية‎

from the point of view of America and many of its allies, the most menacing symbol in the Arab World today is not Osama bin Laden but another Arab who recently met a violent death - Mohamed Bouazizi, the 26-year-old Tunisian fruit vendor who chose to set himself on fire after being harassed by corrupt local police.

His act, of course, ignited the storm that has spread across the Arab World and proven a much more serious threat to America’s allies in the region than al Qaeda ever was. Ironically, his sacrifice probably also dealt a far more devastating blow to al Qaeda’s fortunes than the assassination of Osama bin Laden.

Though Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda have yet to be credited with overthrowing and Arab regime, the spark provided by Bouazizi has already led to the downfall of American-backed tyrants..., and continues to threaten other despots.

Ironically, most of the leaders overthrown or desperately trying to hang on to power had declared themselves implacable enemies of al Qaeda.

viril arabic spring
dark age of despotic powers

US and al Qaeda

quot: Lando, Barry, “Osama Bin Laden - Everyone’s Missing the Point”, i The Huffington Post, May 17, 2011

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