Kalonymos, the name of a family which produced over a
hundred Hebrew scholars and poets in the middle ages. They came from Italy and
later lived in Germany and Provence
Karl den Stores
maternalt erhållna judiska namn sägs av vissa vara David Kalonymos, hur det
står till med det vets ej, han kallades så den andra David, men det är ju även
viss symbolik i detta här.
Kalonymiderna, inkomna
från Lucca, och deras babyloniska exilarksläktingar Makhirierna innehöll ett
judiskt principat i Septimania från de sista årtiondena av 700-talet framtills
purim av Narbonne 1306. Det var ett principat då man var hebreiska nasi
men det översattes till kungar, regi iudeorum, ända framtills 1306.
Enligt många erhöll
Merovingerna via ingifte med dessa det då åtråvärda davidiska blodshuset i sina
ådror, enligt andra är det en lögn.
Personligättligen är
jag ättad från båda husen i hvilket fall.
melekh melakhim
the mystic doctrine transmitted by Aaron ben Samuel
had been considered the private property of the Kalonymides.
den hemliga visdomen,
mystikens qabbalah
The leaders of the movement were Samuel ben Kalonymos,
the Hasid; Judah ben Samuel, the Hasid of Regensburg (his son); and Eleazar ben
Judah of Worms. All these men were members of the Kalonymos family that had
migrated from Italy imbued with knowledge of occultism and versed in Kabalistic
traditions connected with the mystical contemplation of "the throne of
God" (merkava, literally, "chariot"; Ezekiel 1).
the Cabbalist wishes to create heaven on earth, by
raising the whole consciousness of the world.. Or in other words, bringing the
mass consciousness upwards- to mirror the qualities shown in Gods (or
to raise humans to the level of Gods) creates heaven.
Satan fell because he made him self equal with God.
This is the mentality of the Kabbalah. They teach if God is not want you want
then you can become equal with him. These teachings are the deepest teaching of
antichrist that can be taught to the human race.
Their children and converts are serpents and the
children of Satan.
- "The Satanic Kabbalah & The Key of Solomon"
la fiama etèrn
we are still around
scusa, ma,
n’estes mie de ma gestes
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