27 sep. 2015

The Evil State

Over the past decade, hundreds of thousands of American soldiers, CIA killer teams, mercenaries, predators, and “diplomats” swarmed across the region from Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to Yemen and Somalia, supported by sprawling new bases and pharaonic embassies.

Hostility to the U.S. is high throughout the region. In polls, the majority of those Arabs queried consider the United States a greater threat than al Qaeda.

The upshot - U.S. policy was the best recruiter Osama could have asked for

oppressive american policy
Osama is a hero

westerners, idiots, do not get it


quot: Lando, Barry, “Osama Bin Laden - Everyone’s Missing the Point”, i The Huffington Post, May 17, 2011

19 sep. 2015

Pussy Riot

Power to the Flower
the divine nectar is in You

Power to the Girls
life’s ænigma is in You

Power to the Pussy
life's universe take root in You


10 sep. 2015

2 sep. 2015


när Adam tog sitt bett
gick biten ej ner
utan harklades fast

när Eva tog sin tugga
slank den ned i all hast

i full vigör erhölls hela biten
färdig att ta en tugga till

för inte blir hon mätt
på allena en liden bit

den divina naturen hava gjort sitt val
må kvinnan få, hvad till henne hör

så mycket hon så vill
förbjuden frukt eller ej
